Category: Lifestyle
How to Get Out of Your Funk

How to Get Out of Your Funk

We’ve all been there. Being in a funk is common because nothing in life is in a constant upward slope or perpetual climb. Things go up and things go down. That’s true for equities, prices, temperature, and even human demeanor. And so you’re in a funk. Big deal. It’s not the end of the world, […]

How Do Societies and People Unite?

How Do Societies and People Unite?

Unity in a society is often an overlooked, ignored facet. A reason why is because people just assume that any groups of individuals living amongst each other in the same geographical area are bound to come together and co-exist. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Co-existence, unity, solidarity, cohesiveness, and community are social […]

Social Anxiety and Cannabis Use

Social Anxiety and Cannabis Use

Weed use for social tension problems is a disputable theme. While pot is gradually moving toward the path toward legitimization in a few nations and has been affirmed for clinical use in Canada, just as clinical and sporting use in certain U.S. states and most of Canada now, there is still a ton of disarray […]