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Should You Train Your Dog? According to many experts, yes, you should!
The word “crate” often has a negative connotation, almost like a crate is a prison for your dog, which no one wants for their best friend. But a crate can actually be a comfortable place for your dog and if introduced properly it can be a place where you will know and love your dog.
Most veterinarians and trainers recommend crate training dogs or Ierse terrier and Labra doedel from an early age. It is also an integral part of the house breaking dog.
“We recommend giving each dog or Franse bulldog crate training because you never know what’s going to happen in the future,” says Christine Crowe, Intake Coordinator at Beagles to the Rescue.
In addition, dogs that are trained in crates are better able to cope with potentially stressful situations. For dogs trained with crates, crates can be a safe place where they can rest and recover from surgery, or hide from frightening situations such as fireworks or strangers.
“If the dog gets scared, they think: ‘I can hide in my crate and it’s safe here and no one will bother me.’ That helps them out for their lifetime,” explains Kroh.
Properly covered, it will withstand a Great deal of Adverse Conditions.
Introducing your dog to the crate can be stressful at first, but with a little work and a lot of patience, you can help your dear friend understand the benefits of having your own place.
Wondering how to train a dog? Here are some tips to help you make that dream come true, as well as some of the mistakes you will want to make.
Crate Training: What You Should Know
If you want to make the crate a safe place for your dog, you should consider training the crate. Training is the key word here. You should not put your dog in a crate if he is not properly trained. By doing this your dog will only see Crate as a bad place and not a resting place. If your dog is not properly trained in crates, they will not use crates as their safe haven. You should also be careful not to use Crete as a place of punishment or your child will view Crete with a negative attitude.
Here are some Steps you can Consider when Using it to Train your Dog:
Introduction –
Introducing your dog to Crate may take a few weeks depending on your dog. During this time it is important to give your dog some time to get used to the crate. Bring it home and get your dog in the habit of living around it. Different dogs will take different time to warm up. Oppose forcing your dog to go in, but encourage him to go in and offer invitations while he is inside. One of the most common mistakes in crate training is to speed up the process, but slow it down and give your dog time to adjust.
Feeding inside –
Once your dog has become accustomed to living around the crate, you should start feeding him inside. Food is a specialty of every dog’s life and will help your dog form positive associations about crate. Start by opening the food near the crate and finally take the bowl inside. After a while, when he eats, start closing the door for a while. Be sure to take it slowly.
Work Prolonged –
Once your child can close the door and eat inside the crate and not panic, you can start working towards closing the door and leaving it there for a long time. Leave it for just a few minutes and start.
Working long hours. Always make sure to end on a positive note and lots of rewards.