Why Are Cufflinks Important For Men’s Styling?

Why Are Cufflinks Important For Men’s Styling?


Clothes are the best reflection of a person’s personality. A well dressed person will definitely express a lot more of their personality than a normal one. The little details to dressing are extremely important and can make or break the personality.

For men, styling does not only mean clothing. People often feel that gentlemen only need to put on a suit, get a pair of shoes, and get on with the day. There is a lot more to men’s dressing than one might think. From the ties to watches, to cufflinks, there are numerous little accessories that can impact a men’s personality.


Cufflinks are alternative to the normal buttons that are sewed upon a shirt’s sleeves. While the buttons are attached (sewed) in the shirt, the cufflinks are removable and can be changed. Cufflinks come in a variety of shapes, designs, patterns, etc. And it is up to the individual to select which one would go well with their clothing. Be it a formal event or a casual outing, cufflinks can go well with either.

Many people criticize men on not paying much attention to their dressing sense. While men do not have much choice with accessories might be true to some extent; there are certain options that they can exercise to enhance their appearance. You can find the latest Declic sterling silver cufflinks available on our website.

Another Name For Buttons?

Some people might feel that cufflinks are merely an alternative name for buttons, this is not necessarily the case. Cufflinks offer a lot more to the dressing style than a casual button might. The best part about cufflinks are that you can mix and match them in accordance to your dressing. For example, you can wear a different cufflink with a grey outfit and a completely different cufflink with a black one to give yourself a unique appearance. This way you will not be restricted with the same pair of buttons, forever.

A New Look

Cufflinks are an excellent accessory to give a brand new look to your already worn clothes. A simple change of cufflinks at the end of the shirt can really uplift your look. Plus, you can try out different cufflinks under a single shirt. A black shirt, for example, goes well with a variety of different designed cufflinks. Although it seems like a teeny tiny detail, it can really be an impactful thing at the end of the day.

Endless options

If you start searching for cufflinks for your shirt, trust me, you will get confused very often. There are so many designs with different shapes and colors out there that you will be spoiled for choices. Even if you ask the store owner, he will provide you with so many different options that you will be forced to buy more than one.

A symbol of class

Who doesn’t love a classy and subtle appearance? If you are to attend a formal event, lets say, and office party, etc. you would love to stand out. While everyone out there will be wearing the same traditional 3 piece suit with a tie, you can make and impactful appearance by adding a cufflink to your dressing.

Ellen Hollington

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