As a qualified chef and recipe enthusiast, I have always enjoyed trying and testing out new methods and ingredients. My husband and I with the children try to lead an active lifestyle and thus try as much as possible to use organic or all-natural food products, some of which we grow ourselves.
We enjoy the outdoors and with this, we needed to make sure that we take care of our bodies, foods filled with pesticides and harmful chemicals were not something we were looking for and so we began our research into more wholesome foods to be able to completely live off natural products and ingredients.
After many hours of online browsing and seeing too many to mention brands offering you the world at prices that seem extraordinarily too good to be true, we kept landing on what seems to be the popular choice for those, similar to us, opting for a toxin-free diet.
Our Wonder Plant
So, what are we raving about you ask? Well, for us this humble plant and flower changed our lives, a product known is Cannabidiol or rather CBD is naturally found and grown in nature making it perfect for us.
CBD is an extract from the Hemp flower, its properties offer a unique genetic makeup that has proven to provide extensive medical assistance and to treat mild to more serious ailments.
This flower that is taking the world by storm is not only grown and harvested naturally but when using the safest extraction process of CO2 (read about it here https://hempgazette.com/cannabidiol-cbd/co2-extraction-cannabis/) you are getting a higher concentration of product with the least amount of sediment at the bottom of the packaging on product completion. What more could you ask for?
Cannabidiol has changed the way our family approaches life now, we have more energy, fewer days if any, that begin lethargically and the overall mood within the home is happy. A renewed sense of well-being.
Hubby and I often used to wake up in the morning with terrible backaches, knees, and joints that ached and creaked from stiffness until the blood began flowing, and some form of flexibility presented itself. We would take painkillers with our morning coffee and didn’t realize how much we relied on chemicals till we no longer needed them for pain relief.
Discovering a chemical-free product but that offered us the relief we required only made us wish we had found it earlier, better late than never as the old saying goes, am I right?
The Deciding Factors
So many of our friends and family asked us why we decided to give this plant a try knowing it was a relative of the marijuana family, but the benefits it offered far outweighed any ‘negative-Nancy’s’ that may have commented, and we wanted to see the proof in the pudding for ourselves.
What made us initially become interested was that it came in a variety of forms, from oils to topical, to capsules and supplements, and my firm favorite, edibles and baked goods. I had hit the foodie jackpot, not only would we implement CBD into our diets without a stressful effort, but the fun we could innovate in trying new brownies or cookies made it great for the whole family.
To find your best cbd oil be sure to purchase quality over quantity, it is better to have less of a good thing than a lot of a bad thing is it not? CBD traits can be jotted down into a few key factors, let’s take a look at a few so you have a foundation to work from and that initial step on your CBD journey will be in the right direction.
3 Top Cbd Quality Determining Features
- A reliable supplier will not hide anything off the label, read the ingredients and content before purchasing. Look for products that have ‘full-spectrum’ printed on them, these are a more ‘well-rounded’ product that, when the Cannabidiol is combined with a few other select elements, offers a more effective and efficient result.
- This is a big factor, to feel the full benefit of the CBD your product must have 0.3% and less THC, the psychoactive component that lets you experience hallucinations and be in a mind-altered state for a period – thus making it unsafe and unfit for safe human and animal consumption.
Many people have their own opinions on the topic, see some of them in this link, and besides it always helps to know more than less information when starting a new adventure. One person’s interpretation or ‘take’ on the subject may just be the answer to the question you had on your mind all this time.
- You may not have considered this a factor but it is the quickest way to know if you are on the right track with your chosen supplier, people like to moan or have a nag if something is not right and they will be sure to let you know. On the other side of the coin, however, a rave review from hundreds of customers is hard to argue, and thus may just be the deciding factor for you to give it a try.
Life is short, and if you have tried all other medicinal ‘potions’ as it were or Aunty Mavis’ prune concoction from down the road without success then it’s time to get your hands on quality CBD and see the results for yourself.