Shopping for new pants, shirts or a dress is a fun way to provide yourself with another article of clothing. Unfortunately, it can get expensive quickly if taking this action is your only alternative. If you haven’t looked at your existing outfits lately, you may be surprised to find possible styles and decisions you haven’t considered, saving you money and creating a new look. Here are six ways you can find inspiration and refresh your wardrobe:
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Turning Old Into New
Taking a shirt or pants you already own and giving them a new look is one method you can use to change your style. Whether you use a decorative patch or dyes to change the color of your attire, you don’t have to be an expert at DIY projects to make your clothing look different and inviting. Utilizing scissors to turn a dress into a trendy skirt or an old t-shirt into a cute crop top can be done quickly and effectively.
Get Inspired by Technology
If you’re like several individuals who have accumulated a closet full of clothes, you may have forgotten about pieces of your wardrobe. Using a free app to keep you organized and provide fashionable tips may be an excellent way to add an older article of clothing into the mix of outfits you wear regularly. My Clothing Calendar or Touch Closet are two tools you may want to consider using.
Focusing on Your Style
Hacking your wardrobe and focusing on style can be a fantastic way of developing a new look. Using this method requires minimal effort and imagination. Matching prints and colors, layering clothing on top of each other or focusing on your neckline can make a significant difference. Rolling up your sleeves or adding cuffs to jeans are other ways you can have fun and create a more fitted look.
Playing With Accessories
Carrying a handbag, adding sterling silver jewelry to an arm or fastening a belt around your waist instantly spices up and diversifies the way you appear. Finding the right items might be easier if you get excited about your wardrobe. Opting for a straightforward piece and making a statement can refresh your style and help you stay inspired.
Seek Help From Family and Friends
If you haven’t noticed, plenty of celebrities employ a stylist to help them get dressed. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend any money to get the opinions of close confidants. Turning to your family and friends is another way you can spruce up and refresh your wardrobe. Getting assistance from a sister or best friend puts more than one mind to work and may help you discover a new look you would’ve never thought of on your own. Don’t be surprised if you rediscover pieces you’ve forgotten about, matching the contemporary look you want to create.
Trade With Others
Swapping accessories or clothes with others is a final way to refresh your wardrobe and change your look. It’s also an inexpensive method and may help a friend find a new clothing article they love. Using one or more of these six methods should be easy to complete, offering you an excellent way to get out of the same pattern and try something new and refreshing