When you feel that your face has a dry flaky and dull skin, it is the right time to exfoliate your skin and open clogged pores to make your facial skin healthy and younger. People are re-discovering the DIY facial scrub. There are numerous natural marvels we can use kitchen cabinet ingredients for a natural DIY facial scrub to effectively clear and slough off dead skin cells to make way for new skin cells. Madison from Vibrant Salon & Spa says every natural facial scrub does not mean it will be good for all skin types. You may be allergen from certain ingredients so perform a patch test before applying even DIY scrubs.
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Oatmeal Based Facial Scrub
This is the easiest facial scrub that we can make at home. For that take 2 Tbsp. Ground oatmeal you should use organic oats for that, 2 tsp. Lemon juice and 4 tsp. Yoghurt. Mix all the ingredients and apply to your face and massage gently to clear dead skin.
Sugar and Tomato Based Facial Scrub
Take a medium tomato and Cut in two pieces now take a piece and dip it in the grounded sugar, then gently rub it in circular motions onto your face and neck, leave it for 10 minutes. Please make sure your face should be cleaned, and there should be no makeup after waiting 10 minutes massage your face with the second piece of tomato (without dipping tomato into sugar). Now wait 5 minutes again and let it dry. Now rinse your skin with Luke warm water.
Honey and Rice Based Facial Scrub
Honey and rice both are the important kitchen ingredients and can be easily found in every home. Honey does not only moisturize the skin but also exfoliates it. Honey eliminates dead skin cells, restores depleted skin and brings a sparkly glow on the face. To make the scrub, grind water-soaked rice into a fine paste and then add 1 tsp of honey. Apply the paste on face and leave it for 10 minutes, now rinse your face with Luke warm water. This face scrub is also very effective to treat sunburn and acne.
Organic Brown Sugar Based Facial Scrub
To make a Brown Sugar scrub, you need ingredient- 1 cup of organic brown sugar, 1/2 cup of almond oil and 1 tsp. of Vanilla extract. Mix all these ingredients in a large container until well blended. This mixture should have a paste-like texture, if it looks dry you can add a few more drops of almond oil at the time of use and if it is too oily, you should add more brown sugar until you reach the desired consistency. Keep this mixture stored in tightly sealed jars. Before applying the paste, wash your face and make sure there is no makeup left. Now apply a layer of the paste on your face and gently massage. Wait for 5 minutes then rinse it with fresh water. This scrub is also an effective way which brings glow on your face.
Cucumber Facial Scrub
If you have sensitive skin, this scrub will be ideal for you. For making this scrub, you need one medium size of a cucumber and 3 tbsp. of aloe Vera extract (or gel). Crush the cucumber and then mix together with the aloe Vera gel and massage the paste on to your face, neck and hands for a few minutes, after that rinse off the scrub with lukewarm water. This scrub is very soothing, and the cucumber offers mild exfoliation. It also helps tighten your skin.