A common general assumption is that men’s fashion isn’t really exciting since there aren’t a lot of ‘options’. But that doesn’t actually always have to be the case. There are smaller fashion items beyond the clothes. From watches to men’s casual belts, they all add something to your wardrobe and hence speak about you and your style.
Even among women, belts are usually only associated because of their function ; make your pants fit better. However, the statement piece potential of belts is overlooked. We see women recently trying to adorn belts to uplift their outfit, but while we are in this conversation, we need to look into men’s fashion too. Australia has become the melting pot of experiments in fashion, for women and men alike. It is hence important to see the many ways men’s casual belts can be part of these fashion experiments.
Men’s Belts in Your Everyday Life:
We can understand the scope of belts by looking into how it can fit into your everyday life and to see how normal fashion can be challenged with accessories such as belts.
Imagine you are planning out your extremely packed week. There’s 3 days of office to attend. That formal board meeting and that fancy party you promised to go with your partner. You almost forgot another important commitment. You need to attend your daughter’s ‘take my dad to school’ day too. So how does your week play out in your head in terms of looks?
But firstly, why are Looks Important?
Clothing is the first thing to catch the eye of another person. Hence, they are majorly involved in what can be your ‘first impression’.
An array of belt varieties will be the perfect solution. Now, you might have the idea that casual belts are all similar and black and brown. But if you actually look deeper there is so much variety. From simple classic leather belts in brown and black for office days to belts with webbing for a little change. One must really remember that a belt that does so many functions such as fitting your pants can also be a fashion statement in itself. It takes a store bought pair of pants and not only makes it exactly the size you want, it also adds a little something to your outfit. Overall, you are sorted for the events of the week regardless of how different each event is.
Experimenting into Men’s Fashion
With this newfound revelation about men’s fashion, one must consciously try out belts slowly such that one day it can become a confident statement.
Men’s casual belts have expanded from being ordinary to being different and bold with a variety of handcrafted belts with its materials being from the best places such as Belgium. What started as a belt for functionality has grown beyond itself . The idea of experimenting can be difficult to process. What if I look funny with a coloured belt? Isn’t it safer to just stick to the blacks and the browns?
It is never too late to begin. Buying belts with very small embellishments for instance can ease your transition to the world of belts. These men’s casual belts serve their larger interest in pursuing men’s fashion.