Category: Pets
How to make a crate a safe place for Dogs

How to make a crate a safe place for Dogs

  Should You Train Your Dog? According to many experts, yes, you should! The word “crate” often has a negative connotation, almost like a crate is a prison for your dog, which no one wants for their best friend. But a crate can actually be a comfortable place for your dog and if introduced properly […]

7 Well-Known Facts About Ragdoll Cat Breeds

7 Well-Known Facts About Ragdoll Cat Breeds

Ragdolls is a feline breed that, when picked up, become limp like a rag doll. However, juxtaposed to its reaction when handled, as well as its name, Ragdolls, are neither lazy nor idle. They’re large cats that bond with their humans and are very social beings as opposed to other stiffer cats. They are also […]