Hundreds of thousands of people get to know each day via the Internet. Of these, dozens find a serious relationship that leads to marriage. This is not strange and has long been considered the norm. High technology has contributed to the relationship between a man and a woman, giving them another tool for dating. And in this ranking of the best dating sites in 2020, we highlighted the three best such portals. These are dating sites that have been considered the most trusted places for online dating for more than 10 years.
This site is known to many, it is one of the first successful portals of the American Internet, which has gained popularity among users. It was founded in 2007. The single user base, which, by the way, totals for 2020 – more than 30 million people. Men and women, boys and girls, everyone who wants to get to know each other. In online mode on the portal you can see more than 100,000 people who are ready to communicate. More than one American dating site does not have such a base, so we select it as the best site for finding love and serious relationships. Millions are looking for each other there, so the chance to find your soul mate is not as small as it seems. Every day, tens of thousands of newcomers register on the site, so join them in advance through convenient registration. If you actively spend time on social networks, then the process of entering the Luvfree dating site will take an instant.
We want to give the second place in the ranking of the best dating sites 2020 to a well-known communication portal – okupid. The user base characteristics of this site are no less exciting. In 2018, the okupid website has more than 20 million girls and guys, and more than 20,000 thousand users actively communicate every day. Dating okcupid is very popular among men and women, moreover, of any age and social status. Therefore, to find a mate for a serious relationship and just communication, with such abundance, this is only a matter of time. The okupid website was launched in 2008. Everything on it is completely free, and even without registration via phone.
I want to finish the TOP with another interesting dating site, which also will not leave anyone indifferent who is looking for communication, flirting, love and serious relationships. Mingle2 is another online dating leader. The site has registered more than 21 million users; the daily traffic of the site is several hundred thousand. Online, often on the mingle2 site, there are about 50 thousand men and women. So to choose you’re ideal for friendship, communication or serious relationships, marriage, creating a family, it will not be difficult.