5 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When Straighten Hair

5 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When Straighten Hair

Straighten hair is a common task for women, but it can also be a beauty tool for men. But now I discuss some common mistakes that can be possible to face when using these hair tools on your home mainly. Because of that on salon have expert technicians to operate machines, so usually create the problem when we try to us.

1) Do not crank up the heat all the way. Do not maximize temperature. Set the flat iron’s temperature a few degrees below the highest to avoid sizzling hair. The iron will work just fine even if it’s not set to the highest. So, do not ever set the temperature to 450 degrees. You can make it 410 degrees instead.

2) Do not iron damp hair at once. Ironing damp hair results to irreversible damage such as hair brittleness and split ends. Worst, it can fry the important locks. Completely dry the hair before ironing or even curling, for that matter. Flat irons draw out hair elasticity and vitamins when straightened while it is wet.

Same with water when heated, it bubbles inside the hair shaft, pushed up and out vigorously that result to cracks, roughness, split ends, etc. Alcohol is another factor that can contribute to severe damage to hair being ironed. It can double the damages.

3) Do not use a large flat iron. Think of the hairline. It is hard to reach and straight the hairline so plates about an inch wide must be chosen. Ceramic or tourmaline plates are the best flat irons, click the details. The Azure Edgestick Edge Control Styling Stick is the best tool to use for straightening the hairline. It is easier and safer to use, too.

4) Do not forget hair protectant. Just like our skin, hair must also be protected, especially during the straightening process. It gives a layer of protection for our crowning glory. It lessens hair damage and makes hair easier to react to the flat iron or any heat-processing tools.

Tresemme Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Spray and Suave Professionals Heat Protection Spray are some of the no-hold formula hair protectants that can be used for this purpose.

5) Do not go over curls repetitively. Stretch the hair out with a brush first before ironing it. Go over the curls slowly and steadily. Mixed Brittle Oval Brush from Hershesons can protect the scalp and gently detangles hair at the same time, reduces static on hair.

Ellen Hollington

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