5 Best & Effective Treatments For Ptsd

5 Best & Effective Treatments For Ptsd

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that can happen after a scary or very threatening event. Even if you weren’t a direct victim, the incident’s shock could be so traumatic, making it difficult to lead a normal life. People with PTSD often have insomnia, low self-esteem, flashbacks, and other painful emotions. Usually, victims relive the event leading to the disorder, while some lose their memory altogether.

Presently, there is no permanent medical cure for PTSD. However, the symptoms can be managed with medications and psychotherapy. In this article, we will discuss the five best and effective treatments for PTSD.

Ptsd Therapy Basically, Ptsd Therapy Has Three Goals:

  • To help improve your symptoms.
  • Provide you with the skills to deal with it.
  • To restore your self-esteem.

A majority of PTSD therapies are under the category of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which encourages victims to change their disturbing thought patterns. This may involve talking about the traumatic event with someone or focusing on the cause of your fears. A group or family therapy might be a good choice, depending on the situation.

Cognitive Processing Therapy

CPT is a therapy course that runs across 12 weeks, with 60-90 minutes weekly sessions. Initially, you will discuss the traumatic event with your therapist and how your life has been affected. Then, you will write down every detail of the incident. This process helps to evaluate your thought pattern concerning the trauma and develop ways to help you live with it.

For instance, you’ve probably been blaming yourself for the turn of events. But your therapist will help you analyze the details of the events to make you understand the things beyond your control. This will help you move on and understand that you shouldn’t blame yourself despite doing or not doing certain things.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy

If you’ve been trying to forget the traumatic event by avoiding things that remind you of the incident, PE will ensure you confront them. It involves 8-15 sessions that typically runs for 90 minutes.

The early stages of the treatment include breathing techniques to ease your anxiety every time you think about the traumatic experience. Later, you will be required to create a list of things you’ve been avoiding and learn to confront them. At Intensive Therapy Retreat, a type of Prolonged Exposure Therapy, you will be taught various techniques and methods to help manage your PTSD.

Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)

Stress Inoculation Training is a type of CBT that you can do by yourself. You don’t necessarily have to give a detailed account of what happened. The most important thing here is changing how you handle the stress from the event. Through SIT, you might learn breathing techniques, massage, and other ways to minimize negative thoughts through mind and body relaxation.


The brains of PTSD patients function quite differently. This is due to abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, which explains the jumpiness they feel when triggered. However, medications can help regulate the reactions to PTSD triggers. It can also help reduce the chances of nightmares and flashbacks, which will help you enjoy your life again.


PTSD affects people who have experienced traumatic events, and no one should ever feel traumatized. So, by signing up for therapy and using prescribed medications, the symptoms of PTSD can be managed, and victims can carry on with their normal lives.

Your improvement depends on the type of PTSD treatment you adopt. Intensive Therapy Retreats is a weeklong retreat that is more effective and faster than any other PTSD treatments. There, you’re able to spend time with professionals who can help you deal with this trauma and live a happier life.

Ellen Hollington

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